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			"owner": "Golmote"
		"nix": {
			"title": "Nix",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"nsis": {
			"title": "NSIS",
			"owner": "idleberg"
		"objectivec": {
			"title": "Objective-C",
			"require": "c",
			"alias": "objc",
			"owner": "uranusjr"
		"ocaml": {
			"title": "OCaml",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"odin": {
			"title": "Odin",
			"owner": "edukisto"
		"opencl": {
			"title": "OpenCL",
			"require": "c",
			"modify": [
			"owner": "Milania1"
		"openqasm": {
			"title": "OpenQasm",
			"alias": "qasm",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"oz": {
			"title": "Oz",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"parigp": {
			"title": "PARI/GP",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"parser": {
			"title": "Parser",
			"require": "markup",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"pascal": {
			"title": "Pascal",
			"alias": "objectpascal",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"objectpascal": "Object Pascal"
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"pascaligo": {
			"title": "Pascaligo",
			"owner": "DefinitelyNotAGoat"
		"psl": {
			"title": "PATROL Scripting Language",
			"owner": "bertysentry"
		"pcaxis": {
			"title": "PC-Axis",
			"alias": "px",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"peoplecode": {
			"title": "PeopleCode",
			"alias": "pcode",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"perl": {
			"title": "Perl",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"php": {
			"title": "PHP",
			"require": "markup-templating",
			"owner": "milesj"
		"phpdoc": {
			"title": "PHPDoc",
			"require": ["php", "javadoclike"],
			"modify": "php",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"php-extras": {
			"title": "PHP Extras",
			"require": "php",
			"modify": "php",
			"owner": "milesj"
		"plant-uml": {
			"title": "PlantUML",
			"alias": "plantuml",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"plsql": {
			"title": "PL/SQL",
			"require": "sql",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"powerquery": {
			"title": "PowerQuery",
			"alias": ["pq", "mscript"],
			"owner": "peterbud"
		"powershell": {
			"title": "PowerShell",
			"owner": "nauzilus"
		"processing": {
			"title": "Processing",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"prolog": {
			"title": "Prolog",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"promql": {
			"title": "PromQL",
			"owner": "arendjr"
		"properties": {
			"title": ".properties",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"protobuf": {
			"title": "Protocol Buffers",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "just-boris"
		"pug": {
			"title": "Pug",
			"require": ["markup", "javascript"],
			"optional": [
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"puppet": {
			"title": "Puppet",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"pure": {
			"title": "Pure",
			"optional": [
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"purebasic": {
			"title": "PureBasic",
			"require": "clike",
			"alias": "pbfasm",
			"owner": "HeX0R101"
		"purescript": {
			"title": "PureScript",
			"require": "haskell",
			"alias": "purs",
			"owner": "sriharshachilakapati"
		"python": {
			"title": "Python",
			"alias": "py",
			"owner": "multipetros"
		"qsharp": {
			"title": "Q#",
			"require": "clike",
			"alias": "qs",
			"owner": "fedonman"
		"q": {
			"title": "Q (kdb+ database)",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"qml": {
			"title": "QML",
			"require": "javascript",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"qore": {
			"title": "Qore",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "temnroegg"
		"r": {
			"title": "R",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"racket": {
			"title": "Racket",
			"require": "scheme",
			"alias": "rkt",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"cshtml": {
			"title": "Razor C#",
			"alias": "razor",
			"require": ["markup", "csharp"],
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"jsx": {
			"title": "React JSX",
			"require": ["markup", "javascript"],
			"optional": [
			"owner": "vkbansal"
		"tsx": {
			"title": "React TSX",
			"require": ["jsx", "typescript"]
		"reason": {
			"title": "Reason",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"regex": {
			"title": "Regex",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"rego": {
			"title": "Rego",
			"owner": "JordanSh"
		"renpy": {
			"title": "Ren'py",
			"alias": "rpy",
			"owner": "HyuchiaDiego"
		"rescript": {
			"title": "ReScript",
			"alias": "res",
			"owner": "vmarcosp"
		"rest": {
			"title": "reST (reStructuredText)",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"rip": {
			"title": "Rip",
			"owner": "ravinggenius"
		"roboconf": {
			"title": "Roboconf",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"robotframework": {
			"title": "Robot Framework",
			"alias": "robot",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"ruby": {
			"title": "Ruby",
			"require": "clike",
			"alias": "rb",
			"owner": "samflores"
		"rust": {
			"title": "Rust",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"sas": {
			"title": "SAS",
			"optional": ["groovy", "lua", "sql"],
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"sass": {
			"title": "Sass (Sass)",
			"require": "css",
			"optional": "css-extras",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"scss": {
			"title": "Sass (SCSS)",
			"require": "css",
			"optional": "css-extras",
			"owner": "MoOx"
		"scala": {
			"title": "Scala",
			"require": "java",
			"owner": "jozic"
		"scheme": {
			"title": "Scheme",
			"owner": "bacchus123"
		"shell-session": {
			"title": "Shell session",
			"require": "bash",
			"alias": ["sh-session", "shellsession"],
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"smali": {
			"title": "Smali",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"smalltalk": {
			"title": "Smalltalk",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"smarty": {
			"title": "Smarty",
			"require": "markup-templating",
			"optional": "php",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"sml": {
			"title": "SML",
			"alias": "smlnj",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"smlnj": "SML/NJ"
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"solidity": {
			"title": "Solidity (Ethereum)",
			"alias": "sol",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "glachaud"
		"solution-file": {
			"title": "Solution file",
			"alias": "sln",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"soy": {
			"title": "Soy (Closure Template)",
			"require": "markup-templating",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"sparql": {
			"title": "SPARQL",
			"require": "turtle",
			"owner": "Triply-Dev",
			"alias": "rq"
		"splunk-spl": {
			"title": "Splunk SPL",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"sqf": {
			"title": "SQF: Status Quo Function (Arma 3)",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"sql": {
			"title": "SQL",
			"owner": "multipetros"
		"squirrel": {
			"title": "Squirrel",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"stan": {
			"title": "Stan",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"stata": {
			"title": "Stata Ado",
			"require": ["mata", "java", "python"],
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"iecst": {
			"title": "Structured Text (IEC 61131-3)",
			"owner": "serhioromano"
		"stylus": {
			"title": "Stylus",
			"owner": "vkbansal"
		"supercollider": {
			"title": "SuperCollider",
			"alias": "sclang",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"swift": {
			"title": "Swift",
			"owner": "chrischares"
		"systemd": {
			"title": "Systemd configuration file",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"t4-templating": {
			"title": "T4 templating",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"t4-cs": {
			"title": "T4 Text Templates (C#)",
			"require": ["t4-templating", "csharp"],
			"alias": "t4",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"t4-vb": {
			"title": "T4 Text Templates (VB)",
			"require": ["t4-templating", "vbnet"],
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"tap": {
			"title": "TAP",
			"owner": "isaacs",
			"require": "yaml"
		"tcl": {
			"title": "Tcl",
			"owner": "PeterChaplin"
		"tt2": {
			"title": "Template Toolkit 2",
			"require": ["clike", "markup-templating"],
			"owner": "gflohr"
		"textile": {
			"title": "Textile",
			"require": "markup",
			"optional": "css",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"toml": {
			"title": "TOML",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"tremor": {
			"title": "Tremor",
			"alias": [
			"owner": "darach",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"trickle": "trickle",
				"troy": "troy"
		"turtle": {
			"title": "Turtle",
			"alias": "trig",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"trig": "TriG"
			"owner": "jakubklimek"
		"twig": {
			"title": "Twig",
			"require": "markup-templating",
			"owner": "brandonkelly"
		"typescript": {
			"title": "TypeScript",
			"require": "javascript",
			"optional": "js-templates",
			"alias": "ts",
			"owner": "vkbansal"
		"typoscript": {
			"title": "TypoScript",
			"alias": "tsconfig",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"tsconfig": "TSConfig"
			"owner": "dkern"
		"unrealscript": {
			"title": "UnrealScript",
			"alias": ["uscript", "uc"],
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"uorazor": {
			"title": "UO Razor Script",
			"owner": "jaseowns"
		"uri": {
			"title": "URI",
			"alias": "url",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"url": "URL"
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"v": {
			"title": "V",
			"require": "clike",
			"owner": "taggon"
		"vala": {
			"title": "Vala",
			"require": "clike",
			"optional": "regex",
			"owner": "TemplarVolk"
		"vbnet": {
			"title": "VB.Net",
			"require": "basic",
			"owner": "Bigsby"
		"velocity": {
			"title": "Velocity",
			"require": "markup",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"verilog": {
			"title": "Verilog",
			"owner": "a-rey"
		"vhdl": {
			"title": "VHDL",
			"owner": "a-rey"
		"vim": {
			"title": "vim",
			"owner": "westonganger"
		"visual-basic": {
			"title": "Visual Basic",
			"alias": ["vb", "vba"],
			"aliasTitles": {
				"vba": "VBA"
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"warpscript": {
			"title": "WarpScript",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"wasm": {
			"title": "WebAssembly",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"web-idl": {
			"title": "Web IDL",
			"alias": "webidl",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"wgsl": {
			"title": "WGSL",
			"owner": "Dr4gonthree"
		"wiki": {
			"title": "Wiki markup",
			"require": "markup",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"wolfram": {
			"title": "Wolfram language",
			"alias": ["mathematica", "nb", "wl"],
			"aliasTitles": {
				"mathematica": "Mathematica",
				"nb": "Mathematica Notebook"
			"owner": "msollami"
		"wren": {
			"title": "Wren",
			"owner": "clsource"
		"xeora": {
			"title": "Xeora",
			"require": "markup",
			"alias": "xeoracube",
			"aliasTitles": {
				"xeoracube": "XeoraCube"
			"owner": "freakmaxi"
		"xml-doc": {
			"title": "XML doc (.net)",
			"require": "markup",
			"modify": ["csharp", "fsharp", "vbnet"],
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"xojo": {
			"title": "Xojo (REALbasic)",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"xquery": {
			"title": "XQuery",
			"require": "markup",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"yaml": {
			"title": "YAML",
			"alias": "yml",
			"owner": "hason"
		"yang": {
			"title": "YANG",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"zig": {
			"title": "Zig",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
	"plugins": {
		"meta": {
			"path": "plugins/{id}/prism-{id}",
			"link": "plugins/{id}/"
		"line-highlight": {
			"title": "Line Highlight",
			"description": "Highlights specific lines and/or line ranges."
		"line-numbers": {
			"title": "Line Numbers",
			"description": "Line number at the beginning of code lines.",
			"owner": "kuba-kubula"
		"show-invisibles": {
			"title": "Show Invisibles",
			"description": "Show hidden characters such as tabs and line breaks.",
			"optional": [
		"autolinker": {
			"title": "Autolinker",
			"description": "Converts URLs and emails in code to clickable links. Parses Markdown links in comments."
		"wpd": {
			"title": "WebPlatform Docs",
			"description": "Makes tokens link to <a href=\"https://webplatform.github.io/docs/\">WebPlatform.org documentation</a>. The links open in a new tab."
		"custom-class": {
			"title": "Custom Class",
			"description": "This plugin allows you to prefix Prism's default classes (<code>.comment</code> can become <code>.namespace--comment</code>) or replace them with your defined ones (like <code>.editor__comment</code>). You can even add new classes.",
			"owner": "dvkndn",
			"noCSS": true
		"file-highlight": {
			"title": "File Highlight",
			"description": "Fetch external files and highlight them with Prism. Used on the Prism website itself.",
			"noCSS": true
		"show-language": {
			"title": "Show Language",
			"description": "Display the highlighted language in code blocks (inline code does not show the label).",
			"owner": "nauzilus",
			"noCSS": true,
			"require": "toolbar"
		"jsonp-highlight": {
			"title": "JSONP Highlight",
			"description": "Fetch content with JSONP and highlight some interesting content (e.g. GitHub/Gists or Bitbucket API).",
			"noCSS": true,
			"owner": "nauzilus"
		"highlight-keywords": {
			"title": "Highlight Keywords",
			"description": "Adds special CSS classes for each keyword for fine-grained highlighting.",
			"owner": "vkbansal",
			"noCSS": true
		"remove-initial-line-feed": {
			"title": "Remove initial line feed",
			"description": "Removes the initial line feed in code blocks.",
			"owner": "Golmote",
			"noCSS": true
		"inline-color": {
			"title": "Inline color",
			"description": "Adds a small inline preview for colors in style sheets.",
			"require": "css-extras",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"previewers": {
			"title": "Previewers",
			"description": "Previewers for angles, colors, gradients, easing and time.",
			"require": "css-extras",
			"owner": "Golmote"
		"autoloader": {
			"title": "Autoloader",
			"description": "Automatically loads the needed languages to highlight the code blocks.",
			"owner": "Golmote",
			"noCSS": true
		"keep-markup": {
			"title": "Keep Markup",
			"description": "Prevents custom markup from being dropped out during highlighting.",
			"owner": "Golmote",
			"optional": "normalize-whitespace",
			"noCSS": true
		"command-line": {
			"title": "Command Line",
			"description": "Display a command line with a prompt and, optionally, the output/response from the commands.",
			"owner": "chriswells0"
		"unescaped-markup": {
			"title": "Unescaped Markup",
			"description": "Write markup without having to escape anything."
		"normalize-whitespace": {
			"title": "Normalize Whitespace",
			"description": "Supports multiple operations to normalize whitespace in code blocks.",
			"owner": "zeitgeist87",
			"optional": "unescaped-markup",
			"noCSS": true
		"data-uri-highlight": {
			"title": "Data-URI Highlight",
			"description": "Highlights data-URI contents.",
			"owner": "Golmote",
			"noCSS": true
		"toolbar": {
			"title": "Toolbar",
			"description": "Attach a toolbar for plugins to easily register buttons on the top of a code block.",
			"owner": "mAAdhaTTah"
		"copy-to-clipboard": {
			"title": "Copy to Clipboard Button",
			"description": "Add a button that copies the code block to the clipboard when clicked.",
			"owner": "mAAdhaTTah",
			"require": "toolbar",
			"noCSS": true
		"download-button": {
			"title": "Download Button",
			"description": "A button in the toolbar of a code block adding a convenient way to download a code file.",
			"owner": "Golmote",
			"require": "toolbar",
			"noCSS": true
		"match-braces": {
			"title": "Match braces",
			"description": "Highlights matching braces.",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment"
		"diff-highlight": {
			"title": "Diff Highlight",
			"description": "Highlights the code inside diff blocks.",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment",
			"require": "diff"
		"filter-highlight-all": {
			"title": "Filter highlightAll",
			"description": "Filters the elements the <code>highlightAll</code> and <code>highlightAllUnder</code> methods actually highlight.",
			"owner": "RunDevelopment",
			"noCSS": true
		"treeview": {
			"title": "Treeview",
			"description": "A language with special styles to highlight file system tree structures.",
			"owner": "Golmote"